02 – Berkhamsted Schools Orchestra conducted by Peter Hopkins
Date – 1st July 2016, 6:00 pm
Venue – Centenary Theatre, Berkhamsted School, Berkhamsted HP4 3BG
As part of Berkhamsted School’s 475th anniversary celebrations the school put on an orchestral screening of The Battle of the Somme on the evening of Friday July 1st.
The anniversary of the start of the Battle on 1st July also gave Berkhamsted School the opportunity to reflect on the loss of four Old Berkhamstedians on that day, Lt. Campbell R.A.R (23), Lt. Cloudsley H. (32), Lt. Middlemitch A.M. (18), Capt. Sweetnam R.R.S (24). A further 40 are thought to have died during the conflict that lasted nearly five months at the cost of over one million men wounded or killed. The central part of the evening involved the Berkhamsted School Orchestra performing Laura Rossi’s score live with the 1916 film The Battle of the Somme.
The evening began at 6pm with a brief documentary on Berkhamsted School and the Battle of the Somme, followed by a talk on the film by David Walsh, Head of Digital Collections at the Imperial War Museums.