The pipes in military history:
Learn more about the bagpipes in Scottish Military History:
Watch a documentary from BBC Scotland about WW1 pipers – 1 hour:
Pipers of the Trenches Includes the descendants of pipers from the great war, including the family of Piper John Wilson from the Tyneside-Scottish Regiment who actually played on the first day of the Somme in 1916.
The section on the Battle of the Somme is from 12:58-17:51 and the introduction up to 2:10 is also worth watching.
Learn about Piper William Lawrie
Recordings of the tunes:
Recording of the tune Battle of the Somme by William Lawrie:
Includes a photo montage of the battle, but you could just listen to the tune.
Recording of Sunset on the Somme (paired with another tune):
You can finish recording at 1:39 just to hear the Somme Tune
NB This tune is being played on the Scottish small pipes here and not the bagpipes.
Background to Piper William Lawrie and the tune the Battle of the Somme:
Remembrance Sunday: